Corporate Governance
WLWA is governed by six councillors. One councillor is chosen by each of the boroughs (Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow and Richmond upon Thames). A Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by the six councillors at the General Meeting held in June each year.
The Authority’s Code of Corporate Governance is based on best practice recommendations published by CIPFA and Solace in December 2012. The code outlines how the Authority will demonstrate that it meets its obligations for good governance and a standard against which it can monitor its progress on an annual basis through the Annual Governance Statement, prepared as part of the Annual Accounts and subject to external audit.

Councillor Krupa Sheth
Chair of West London Waste Authority London Borough of Brent
Councillor Paul Driscoll
Cabinet Member for Climate Action & Chair of the West London Waste Authority Audit Committee London Borough of Ealing
Councillor Julia Neden-Watts
Deputy Chair of West London Waste Authority & Chair of the Environment, Sustainability, Culture and Sports Services Committee London Borough of Richmond
Councillor Stephen Greek
Portfolio Holder for Performance, Communications & Customer Experience London Borough of Harrow
Councillor Eddie Lavery
Cabinet Member for Environment, Housing and Regeneration London Borough of Hillingdon
Councillor Shivraj Grewal
Vice Chair of Audit Committee & Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Recycling and Transformation London Borough of HounslowChief Officers

Emma Beal
Chief Executive of the West London Waste Authority
Ian O’Donnell
Treasurer of the Authority
Hugh Peart
Clerk to the AuthorityTo Be Confirmed
Chief Technical AdvisorSenior Leadership Team

Peter Tilston
Director of Circular Economy & Net Zero
Tom Beagan
Director of Operations
Sapna Dhanani
Director of FinanceMeetings
The agendas and papers for the meetings are published on the Harrow Council website one week before the meeting takes place. The minutes of the meetings are published approximately two weeks after the meeting.
The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 do not apply to the Authority as it is neither a local authority as defined in section 9R of the Local Government Act 2000 nor a joint Committee set up under the Local Authorities (Arrangements for Discharge of Functions) (England) Regulations 2012. Instead it is a joint waste authority created by the Waste Regulation and Disposal (Authorities) Order 1985 which was made under section 10 of the Local Government Act 1985.
Strategic Briefings
Audit Committee
The role of the Audit Committee is to support the Authority members in their responsibilities for issues of risk control and governance. The Audit Committee reviews the reliability, integrity and comprehensiveness of assurances provided to the Authority by the Treasurer and others. Minutes and agendas for this committee can be found on the Harrow Council website. The Committee includes six Councillors from the Boroughs and Gerald Almeroth (Independent Member).
Code of Corporate Governance
There are several other documents set out how different functions operate within West London Waste Authority.
- Local Code of Governance 2022
- Access to information policy and procedure rules 2022
- Audit Committee Terms of Reference (Jan 2024)
- Contract and Procurement Rules 2020
- Data Protection Policy 2022
- Financial Regulations 2022
- Member code of conduct and complaints procedure 2022
- Protocol on member officer relationships 2022
- Publication scheme 2022
- Scheme of Delegation to Officers 2022
- Standing Orders 2022
- Whistleblowing Policy with amendments 2022