Reuse Hub at Abbey Road
Have you seen our Reuse Tent on site? If you have an item that is in good working order and still has value please put it under the tent and it can find its way to a new home.
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Abbey Road Household Reuse & Recycling Centre What can I do with my waste Trade Waste Frequently asked questions Not for Profit Permits What happens to your waste?We are diverting bikes from the waste stream across West London. The bikes that are collected are reused and donated to organisations that support people disadvantaged people. Other bikes are passed onto small local businesses who generate income from them. By us passing them the bikes onto local businesses they are able to continue earning money and supporting the local economy.

Bikes going to NHS workers
The wooden furniture we collect on site is collected by Petit Miracles who upcycle and sell the items in their Sheppard Bush shop. Alongside running a commercial business, Petit Miracles put on educational workshops for the local community people valuable skills that enable them to find employment. These courses are aimed at people in disadvantaged positions and disabled people.

We are working with the ReStart project to reuse laptops across West London. We are collecting laptops on site. You can see the donation point next to the small electricals bin. Once they are collected they are wiped of all there data before they are fixed and have a new operating system reinstalled. These are distributed to people who are experience digital isolation.